Linton Blades - Toulouse, France
24 June 1973

The team left Linton on 22 June 1973 & flew 50 Mins to Manston. A quick refuel & then a 60 Mins flight to Tours ( France). Another refuel & then another 60 Mins to Toulouse ( France ).
No flight is recorded in Mervin Log book for the 23rd.
The full show was done on the 24th June.
On the 25th June, the team returned to the UK via Toulouse => Tours => Manston => Linton.

Linton Blades pilots / Aircraft flown

????? / ?? - Don Oakden
XW364 / 74 - Mervin Fowler
????? / ?? - John Anders
????? / ?? - Jon Buckler

Pilot details have come directly from their log books.

Neil Carnegie ( Adjutant & Commentator ) flew XW306 / 65 to & from the show. Neil did not fly the show.

If you have further details or photos of this show, please feel free to use the "contact" link on the left.
